There are only two courses related to rod pumping that I would recommend and Jeff’s is certainly one of those. He brings a passion and perspective unmatched by any of his peers that is evident to all who attend. Jeff’s experience with and explanation of the entire rod pumping system makes him one of the foremost instructors on the topic. Especially as it relates to the seeming lost art of dynagraph interpretation. People in the Permian Basin with this level of understanding of rod pumping are becoming a dying breed and we need many more like Jeff to enhance the optimization movement going forward. It’s quite possible that all of the newer, unconventional gas lift wells operated by various companies throughout the Basin will one day be produced by a rod pump. We will certainly need experts in the field before that happens and the level of training and material that Jeff provides is one of the keys to get us there.
Derrick Meadows
Production Superintendent ExxonMobil Upstream/XTO Energy
Jeff meets the public very well. People relate to him easily. I admit to be one of his admirers. He is special to me like being the son that I never had.

I am indebted to Jeff for proving the Gibbs Conjecture and elevating it to the status of theorem. We co-authored a paper which he presented at the 2007 Annual Meeting of the Society of Petroleum Engineers in Anaheim, CA. I played a minor role, only as historian. In the process, Jeff discovered a hitherto unknown exact solution of the viscously damped wave equation. This is what Poincare called the telegraphy equation. This equation is useful in diagnosing problems in oil wells using a certain artificial lift method. Jeff’s discovery proves the value of probing around in dark corners. He is an inquisitive person and is not afraid to tackle hard problems.

Sam G Gibbs, PhD
Co-founder of Nabla Corporation
Co-inventor of the SAM rod pump controller
Father of the downhole pump dynagraph card
Jeff’s class is essential for any operator that is committed to continuous improvement and optimization. We send all of our production engineers, foremen, and senior lease operators to the BREX courses. Jeff’s classes have helped enhance our company’s systemic understanding of rod pumping design, analysis, and optimization. I highly recommend it.
Seth Cunneen
Engineering Manager CrownQuest Operating
Jeff, Your schools are already the best offered on rod pumping; however, I admire at your continuing efforts to improve their quality.

I have known Jeff for 16 years and I have attended his classes and taught with him as a team. He's a born teacher—it’s in his DNA. With his academic background and experience in rod pumping Jeff has gained superior knowledge that he enthusiastically imparts to his students. You won't go to sleep in his class.

Ken B Nolen, PE
Co-founder of Nabla Corportation
Co-inventor of the SAM rod pump controller
I first met Mr. DaCunha in 2008, since that time I’ve learned the true meaning of optimization though his courses and in field training that we’ve done together over the years. With implementing his optimization methods, I’ve seen increased run time between well failure, increased production, electrical savings and significant decrease in my LOE cost. The way Mr. DaCunha breaks down the components of the rod pumping system, well analysis, dynagraph interpretation, and rod design makes it so easy to train my Lease Operators, Well Techs and Production Foreman.
Donny Susan
Completions/Operations Superintedent EXL Petroleum